Tuesday, April 14, 2009

He's Here!!!!

He's finally here! Jace Thomas Corbin was born Friday, April 10th and weighs 6 lbs 1 oz. He is 19 inches long and is really bald and wrinkly! He loves to be snuggled close and loves his giant green binky which always makes me laugh because Addison loved hers too!

Just to update... he's currently in the NICU at Utah Valley Hospital where we're hoping he can come home by this weekend. He was born with a number of problems and each day is overcoming them one by one. Last night he graduated from the Level A to Level B NICU so which is for "the healthiest of the sick babies". He still has his feeding tube and his latest addition is the IV coming out of the top of his head since his arms are too bruised to it anymore. We know he's working hard to get better and he makes us smile every time we look at his little old man face. Here's a few pictures of Jace for you to see!

Addison reading in her "house" at the hospital.

Since we live in Santaquin which made it 50minutes from our house to the inside the NICU, we've been approved to stay at the hopsital. This is our "Home Away From Home" a.k.a. the sleeping room down the hall from the NICU. It is small, but keeps us close by in case anything changes.


Diana said...

He's a cutie! I didn't even realize you were expecting. Hopefully he can come home. All those wires and tubes are overwhelming to look at. Poor little guy. Congrats!

The Peterson Zoo said...

I think in the pictures he looks a lot like Addison. Not as angry looking and big as she was, but you can tell they're siblings. I can't wait to see him!

Allison said...

Glad he's here and getting more healthy day by day. They announced his birth over the intercom at school Friday afternoon. I was outside doing bus duty. We're all excited for you!

The Hintze Family said...

Congrats!!! He is so cute and little! It was so good to see you yesterday; it's good to hear that he's making progress. Let us know when we can come visit the little guy!

Allison said...


Shelly Beth said...

Hey Courtney. This is Michelle Shade from Kindergarten at Taylor last year. I heard that you had your little boy and just wanted to stop in and say congratulations! I am due in 5 weeks with our second little girl. My Isabelle was a NICU baby and it is a hard, tiring thing to go through. I hope your little man is getting stronger by the day. Good luck with everything!