Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Potty Training Rewards!

Addison has been working really hard on potty training....actually, I have been working really hard on potty training Addison. I've decided that she is too put out by actually having to make the effort to go find a toilet somewhere. Most days, she tells me she needs to go, as she is in the process of wetting her pants. Yesterday, she actually told me BEFORE she went twice. So as a reward, we went to Target (aahhh, my happy place) and I let her pick out a toy and some new panties to add to her collection of the ones I have already bought her over the past year.

I drover her up and down each aisle of toys to let her pick something out the she wanted....past the princess clothes, the barbies, the baby dolls, the stuffed animals......all the while she drummed her fingers on the cart silently saying to me, "Can we go now?". Then I turned the cart down towards the transformers, the racecars, the legos, the pirates and finally.......her selection of any toy she could have .....

A Ford truck pulling a boat!

I should have known this was coming. Not only does she think she is a boy....she is obsessed with my dad's truck and his boat. When we take him lunch on Saturday's at his work, we have to drive past the boat that is parked in the back. She even begs my dad to ride in his truck, even if it is just around the block one time. So she's pretty excited to have her own truck and boat and hopefully will stop begging to drive up to Provo to see the boat!

After picking out her toy, we headed to get some panties. What do we come home with....little boy Cars briefs. She kept saying, "Look at my panties!" I was like, "No, look at your crushing your mother's hope of turning you into a princess little boy Tighty Whities!" Oh well, if it motivates her, I'm game.

But how can you get frustrated with a face as cute as this?


Diana said...

Maybe Jace can be your princess...

... Just a thought.

The Hintze Family said...

Love the panties!!! At least they're on right unlike some people's kids!!! She's a doll!

Unknown said...

I was up for whatever works too. I hear boys are a bit easier, so look forward to that. They really like to go on everything outside, so for us, camping all summer really completed the training.
Just be glad she's not marking her territory on everything outside too!

Smith Family said...

Oh, that cracks me up. She is so sweet!