Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Life at home...

Here are some updated pictures of life here at our house! Jace went to the Dr. again this week and in just 3 1/2 weeks, went from 6 lbs 1 oz to 8 lbs 5 oz! We couldn't be happier. Addison is doing well, she doesn't really pay much attention to him unless he's crying and she is the first to come and let you know about it. She's getting good at getting diapers/wipes and can even hold the bottle for him until she declares, "Him's done", regardless if he's finished eating or not!

We've definately hit the "happy hour" time when he cries for no reason at night which means very little sleep on our part. However, I do have to say, he is a much better sleeper than Addison was. She NEVER slept. I think she was 18 months old before she slept through the night on her own.

Overall, we're enjoying life. We spent all day Saturday getting our yard all ready and planted. We still have a few more things to do, but we're excited with how it is coming along.
I am dreading having to go back to work, but luckily it is only for the last week of school. Not too bad...awards assembly, field day, field trip, yearbooks, cleaning up my classroom that I'm sure has been destroyed over the past few weeks, I can't complain. Plus, it will give my baby sitter a chance to be with Jace before he comes full time at the end of August!


Diana said...

He's a cutie! That last week of school is always just the biggest waste of time.

Good luck on your yard projects. I haven't a clue how you are accomplishing anything now with 2 kids to constantly supervise. Tyson and I's efficiency compared to our pre-Alex days is pretty craptacular. And I swear her naptime when it allows us to both work never lasts as long as it should.

The Jacobsons said...

Hey! I've tried to call you to say congrats, but did you change your number? Well congrats on the little one! I signed up for a few Nebo workshops this summer and would love you to do one with me! E-mail me or call me when you get this okay? Your fam is so cute!

Shelly Beth said...

Wow, life at home with two little ones...I guess I will find out what that is like in the next few weeks :) I am so glad to hear that Jace is home and doing well...and GROWING, too! I am sure you are so thankful the NICU experience is over. I would not be looking forward to going back to school, either, if I were you. But like you said, it's a good thing it is just for one week and it is filled with things to keep you busy. It will be over before you know it. I liked your water-bottle confession on your comment. LOL. That was be a scary and embarrassing thing to have your water break in front of all your students! At this point, I would like my water to break (I am just at home, so that is less embarrassing) just so that I know labor is beginning and I can go into the hospital :)

Vauna said...

So glad to hear Jace is home now. He's adorable. Congratulations!
Thank you for the darling announcement we got in the mail yesterday! I hope he lets you sleep, they never seem to understand that night is for SLEEPING!!!