Friday, April 22, 2011

He's TWO!!!!

Jace Thomas Corbin

April 10th

I'm 2 years old!

I like to...........

go outside, eat, vacuum, take baths, jump on the tramp, read books with "gamma", run down the driveway, call "gamma" on the phone.

My favorite foods are.......

ravioli, ice cream cones, avocados, cheese, PEZ candy, gummy vitamins

I always say......

"DAD, come here!"...... "Thank you"....... "I want baff"...."I Wanna watch Shawn Sheep"

I like to watch/read........

Shawn the Sheep, Cat in the Hat, Curious George, SpongeBob and books with eyes and animals in them.

I'm good at......

Eating, grinning at everyone, jumping, taking things to the trash, counting to 10

My favorite things......

my blanket, my grandma, my dad, my jammies (with no feet), getting my "hair" brushed

Things I hate.....

sleeping all night, lotion, socks, being left behind by the older cousins


I am two! I weigh 23lbs. I am VERY left handed. I have super long eyelashes, I love to rub my blanket between my toes, I could read books for hours, my nickname is "potomous", I love cats, I wish my sister would let me play with her, and I love to color on my mom's walls.

1 comment:

Puphigirl said...

You have the cutest kids.