The "Bed Head" look. Every day, I wrestle her into the bathroom to brush out her tangled matted mess that she awakens with each morning. I wet it, comb it, brush it, slick it, mousse it, gel it, flat iron it, clip it, curl it, ponytail it, you name it! Within an looks just like it did when she woke up. Any suggestions? (notice the pajamas have Curious George on you see theme?)
Jace is getting bigger each day. I had his pictures taken this week and the photgrapher kept commenting on how huge he was compared to all of the babies she's used to doing. I guess all that sleeping in with dad on the weekends makes it a little hard to burn off all those calories!
Can I just say, I LOVE TO MOW THE LAWN! I am the ONLY one who does it right at my house. I have certain directions in certain parts of the grass that have to be mowed in a certain manner. I seem to be the only one who understands this. If you come to my house and the grass is mowed in a bullseye, giant sqauare, or has large sections that were missed or re-mowed over in a careless line'll know it wasn't me who mowed that day. (there are just some things I do better at than he does =)...this is one of them.)
Love and mowing picture!! Mowing with one leg up is quite a skill. I've been on a raccoon hunt since school got out and sadly, we don't have a lawn to mow. Just dirt and weeds. Chad actually came to our house on Monday with a kid from his ward to set up snares and traps to save us. No raccoon yet but maybe tonight. All on the blog if you care to see the lovely details.
I think it's because you mow the lawn while throwing in some pirouettes. Now that's class.... no not class... talent. :) I mowed the lawn today because I wanted the edge done "just so" and I got a late start at it. I was going to do it all while Tyson was at work so he wouldn't tell me how to do it the whole time, but I didn't get started until 10 minutes before he got home....don't worry, he totally supervised me the entire time to make sure I didn't do... I dunno what, but he was ready for whatever incorrect path I may take. Or maybe he thought I'd cut off my leg or something.
PS that story about the wipes and the curious george shirt is hysterical. Literlly L'dOL.
A few things:
1-Addison still has Grandma Chadburn's hair
2-Too bad Stockton's old brown skater shoes don't fit anymore, because they would match the George Shirt
3-Let's see you mow the lawn with a baby carrier!
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